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about dezeinextended resume, pseudo CV

(a)vocation *

2021 → futures2018 → 20202016 → 20182013 → 2016

more de zein

community engagementartistic endeavourswriting
I can provide and/or create case studies for particular projects of interest upon request. The intent of this iteration of my personal portfolio website is to act as an overview of the work I've done and the work I'm doing. You’ll find a high-level synopsis of my (a)vocational experience here, please reach out to me to dive deeper into particular types of work + projects I've engaged in.
* (a)vocation is a nod to my desire "to unite my avocation and my vocation as my two eyes make one in sight" as penned by Robert Frost in Two Tramps in Mud Time

Adam Zeiner: a very curious human based in Asheville, NC, USA


^ ~ image glitched using PhotoMosh

I’m a persistently curious generalist (parading as a strategic designer, facilitator, and organizer) attempting to wrangle complexity. Currently enthralled by “soft” human action systems, networks* in the broadest sense, integrating futures literacy into design practice, information architecture + visualization, and engaging w/ intimate and less formal communities of practice and the people who comprise them.

* "Like organisms, social systems contain intricate networks of feedback processes, both self reinforcing (positive) and self-correcting (negative) loops. However, studies show that people recognize few feedbacks; rather, people usually think in short, causal chains, tend to assume each effect has a single cause, and often cease their search for explanations when the first sufficient cause is found." — John D. Sterman, Learning from Evidence in a Complex World

dezein: the persistent practice of considered creation, facilitation, and organization

Also a moniker I like to use online for myself and for my independent studio practice →



Lead UX Designer (XD* Lead) → Expedia Group

An emergent mix of Project and Program Leadership, Team Management, Design Strategy, Service Design, Facilitation, UX Design, Information Architecture, and Design Research on Michelle Hazen’s Platform XD team, w/in the the Core Services Product sub-division of EG Product & Technology

*XD = Experience Design at EG, which includes UX Research + UX Design + Content Design

Chasing literal waterfalls → in and around ⛰️ western North Carolina ⛰️

w/ my partner Taryn and our dogs, Django + Archie



Founding Board Member → Design Futures Initiative

A volunteer-led nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization fostering the global community of Speculative Futures chapters by way of serving as an unpaid, avocational administrative backbone

Systems Designer → Design Institute for Health

Regarded as a radical collaboration between the Dell Medical School and the College of Fine Arts at The University of Texas at Austin, shuttered in September ‘22 but certainly not forgotten

Strategic Design Advisor → Socialroots

Acted as a fractional Design Partner in an advisory capacity to help the core team bring the Socialroots beta experience to fruition

Lead Organizer → Speculative Futures Austin

Focused on Design-oriented Futures programming and Futures-oriented Design programming w/ support from iliana Martinez and Mirandy Kim and many members of the Austin chapter

Founding Member →

A spun-down avocational tech-based arts collective turned intimate community, sometimes of practice and sometimes not, that still persists as a loosely moderated Slack workspace

Continued Learning Director → fresh2design

Led the #Advance pillar of the organization which encompassed most educational programming

Design Partner → WholeSplit and Tapr

Both start up ventures are now defunct, but served as invaluable learning experiences


Indigenous Land Acknowledgment

I was born and raised in 🏗 Austin, TX 🏗 and moved to ⛰️ Asheville, NC ⛰️ in August 2021.

Togiyasdi (currently known as Asheville) occupies the land of the Anigiduwagi (commonly known as Cherokee). Modern day North Carolina occupies the lands of the Coharie, Eastern Band of Cherokee, Haliwa Saponi, Lumbee, Meherrin, Occaneechi Band of Saponi, Sappony, and Waccamaw-Siouan. _ You can learn which indigenous tribe's colonized lands you now occupy through this map.