2021 β†’ futures

e m b e d d e d s u b - p a g e n a v i g a t i o n
I can provide and/or create case studies upon request in order to provide a more traditional overview of how I contributed to bringing a project to fruition

2021 β†’ onward into the futures πŸ‘€

Strategic Design in a UX context @ Expedia Group

Q2 2023 β†’ futures

Lead UX Designer; Platform Solutions XD Lead

In 2023 our team was re-org’d into the Platform Solutions group within the Core Services sub-division of Product & Technology. I’m now leading different focus areas of work and have thus far been able to operate in a manner that aligns a bit more closely with my strengths and preferences, focusing on further upstream Service-Systems efforts as opposed to more tactical delivery support of software products and their UI touch points.

add blurbs for focus areas I’m XD Lead for; Platform Growth, Producer Tools, Automated Billing, Configuration Tools, + specific projects of note
add blurbs for projects I’m leading and/or supporting; Notification Center strategy articulation, E2E Automated Billing services, Universal Login adoption, Product Migrator, Payment Profile management, Platform XD Documentation Refresh, ++

Q3 2022 β†’ Q1 2023

Lead UX Designer; Experience Ecosystem XD Lead

Converted to a full-time XD* role w/in the Experience Ecosystem cohort of the broader Experience Platform practice team within the Experience Design (XD) function.

*XD = Experience Design

add blurbs for projects I led and/or supported; Workshop organizing, E2E Travel Store Tooling Ecosystem, Travel Store, etc.

Q1 β†’ Q2 2022

contract Strategic Design Lead

W2 contract w/ Expedia Group working with the Platform Design (Platform Tools & E2E Experience Vision) team w/in the XD* Experience Platform group.

*XD = Experience Design

An emerging mix of Design Strategy, Service Design, Facilitation, and Experience Design, supporting efforts to bridge near-term (day to day) Product Strategy implementation and longer-term Platform Strategy vision, by design.

add blurbs for projects I led and/or supported; Experience Manager migration, etc.

Systemic Design @ the Design Institute for Health


Interaction β†’ Service β†’ Systemic β†’ Futures Design

Stigma of Addiction in Healthcare

πŸ—“November β€˜21 β†’ January '22 πŸ—“

Role: Content + Project Lead

Anchored the design and facilitation of a workshop intended to foster continued engagement post Stigma of Addiction Summit, which is part of an ongoing collaborative effort between Shatterproof and the Dell Medical School Dept. of Internal Medicine.

Beyond Legacy Models Roundtable

πŸ—“November β†’ December '21 πŸ—“

Role: Systems Designer

Supported the design and facilitation of a day long convening in collaboration w/ the MIT Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship which will inform a forthcoming White Paper.

Graduate Student Advising: Anatomy of a Bill

I had the absolute pleasure of offering Rebekah Scott + Christina Shields web design + development advice and guidance as they brought the initial version of their Anatomy of a Bill concept to fruition over the course of 2021. Major props to them.

System Leverage Mapping

πŸ—“July β†’ November '21 πŸ—“

Studio Project, Content Lead

[Systemic Design] [Mapping]

Austin Design Week 2021, Content Lead

Transitions of Care

Role: Systems Designer + Design (Prototyping) Lead

[Design Research] [Design Strategy] [Service Design] [Mapping; Experience, System]

πŸ—“January '21 β†’ July '21 πŸ—“


Working with the Dell Med School Department of Internal Medicine to help us assess and improve transitions of care from Dell Seton Medical Center to outpatient facilities.

Phase 2: Understanding

πŸ—“April β†’ June 2021 πŸ—“

Designer leading our mapping efforts to make sense of primary research learnings

  • doing a lot of iterative, remote co-created mapping in Miro
  • utilizing co-created maps as strategic boundary artifacts

Phase 1: prolonged initial Design Sprint

πŸ—“January β†’ March 2021 πŸ—“

Quickly identify, prototype, and measure improvements in bi-directional communication between Dell Seton Medical Center and outpatient providers, particularly those at CommUnityCare (CUC), through the boundary artifact of a Discharge Summary.

What we did:

This phase of work culminated in the design and testing of two prototypes to improve how the discharge summary is written during a two-week testing period:

  • A workshop with internal medicine residents and outpatient providers to improve resident understanding of how outpatient providers use the discharge summary and what information is most important to them
  • A checklist, shared with internal medicine residents, to provide practical guidance as they write discharge summaries on what information outpatient providers need

We evaluated our prototypes, through surveys and interviews, to see how they affected short-term outcomes and found that residents were more knowledgeable (competencies) and motivated (attitudes) to write good discharge summaries and that the workshop built trust and empathy between inpatient and outpatient providers.

My role and contribution to this collaborative effort:

  • Design Lead for the Prototyping phase of our initial Design Sprint
    • introduced the Systems Leverage Map framework and guided the team through adapting it to represent our potential future pathways of work
  • supporting the Research phase of our initial Design Sprint
  • lightly supporting the Evaluation phase of our initial Design Sprint by way of co-leading the Prototyping phase and responding to feedback garnered through testing and collaborating with our broader project team

Design in Health Map

Role: Co-Initiator + Co-Content Lead

πŸ—“November 2020 β†’ ongoing internal effort πŸ—“

[Information Architecture] [System Mapping]

Continuing the self-initiated, internal Design in Health Map project with Natalie Privett
  • getting more familiar with Kumu's CSS-like markdown by way of heavily adapting Kumu's Radar template to our exploratory use cases
  • Natalie presented at the HXD Conference about our internal project!

Discipline Development

[Design-Futures] [Systemic Design] [Design Education]

Supporting the development of our institute capabilities in Design-Futures and Systemic Design

  • Leading efforts to apply Futures to design as a core studio capability
  • working with our Systems Designers Natalie Privett and Arotin Hartounian to
    • further develop this discipline internally
    • refine how we speak about the nascent discipline when engaging with MA students and external organizations
    • contribute to course structure and lesson content for DES294 Health Systems Design as project work and competing project schedules allow


Role: Designer + interim Content Lead

[Design Strategy] [Service Design] [Facilitation]

Staying engaged in the Corage project through Q1 acting as an interim Content Lead

  • facilitating interdisciplinary working group sessions to iteratively adjust our maps for inclusion as figures in academic journal submissions
  • updating our initial Experience Maps in support of journal publication with Arotin
  • working with members of the Value Institute for Health to assess opportunities to cohere our respective streams of Phase 1 work

Longitudinal Workshop Support

Workshop creation, planning, and facilitation

  • MSKI + Design Institute Workshop _ Facilitation _ 02.24.2021
    • I stepped in to support the brainstorming portion of a workshop for the UT Health Austin Musculoskeletal Institute
  • Solutions Design Workshop _ Planning + Facilitation _ 01.11.2021
    • This introductory design workshop was designed and facilitated by JosΓ©, Natalie P, and myself for the Value Institute for Health & Care MA in Healthcare Transformation program

Systems Thinking for Service Designers

[Systems Thinking] [System Mapping] [Service Design]

πŸ—“January '21 β†’ February '21 πŸ—“

I was accepted into the first cohort of Systems Thinking for Service Designers from Design Dissolve. I'm one of two cohort members living in the Americas, and am the only American in the cohort, which I've quite enjoyed. I completed this training in late February of 2021 and have received a Certificate of Completion.


Jumping back into getting the know/edge public beta live

on the WWW with Ian, Shelby, Steven, and Peter

[Product Design]


You can check out an overview of our public beta via Projector:

Design Futures Initiative, Board Member

[Design Futures] [Community of Practice] [Nonprofit]

Speculative Futures Austin

Role: Lead Organizer with support from my Co-Organizers iliana Martinez and Mirandy Kim

  • I’ve transitioned out of my role as Lead Organizer since moving out of Austin and am excited that Jiabao Li will be acting as Lead Organizer in 2022
  • excited to announce that Mirandy Kim joined iliana and I as our 2nd interim Co-Organizer

Making time to work on personal creative projects

on my own outside of work at a nice leisurely pace as i've interest and head-space

πŸ“β†’ 2021 projects